Meet Our

OUR Programs

Endurance Rehab

A unique coaching experience

Our unique service

providing injured athletes with physical therapist guided coaching while they rehab and return to sport
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Our coaching service tailored to injured athletes, chronically injured athletes, or anywhere in the between. This service aims to bridge the gap between coaches and physical therapists, with the intention to get you back to fitness and injury free training. We’ll work to educate you on how to manage training load, build resilience, and avoid injury. Training plans will incorporate creative methods to build fitness while returning from injury. 


to learn more about our pricing


drives the popularity of our flagship service


to any athlete, beginner to professional, ultra runner to sprint triathlete


Coaching services available for single- and multi-sport athletes. All abilities are welcome. In addition to your daily sport specific workouts, coaching includes strength training and nutrition planning.  


Physical therapy services available to those in Portland-Metro area through clinic at ActiveEDGE Wellness Center in West Linn, or cash pay services available too. 

What you can expect

Weekly phone or video call

A key and very important aspect to my coaching style is frequent communication. Plan to have a weekly call to check in, discuss the past week, the upcoming week, any questions, comments or concerns you may have. Available by text throughout the week as well. 

As a physical therapist and long time endurance coach it’s my belief that every single athlete is different and has different needs. Training plans will be completely individualized to best suit your goals. Physical therapy rehab exercises may be prescribed as needed. 

Injury can be a very emotional journey and compassion and understanding towards athletes is just as important as the training and exercise.

All training plans are structured around the athletes daily schedule. Have a family trip to Hawaii? No problem, we’ll discuss it and prescribe training that is not a stressor allowing you to still enjoy life outside of sport without worries. 

In the end we all chose to do sport, therefore we firmly believe that all training plans should be focused on enjoyment, longevity, and performance. If you’re not feeling happy in your training, we’ll discuss it and figure out a plan to move forward back towards enjoyment.

As a physical therapist I have an extensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. I take a special interest in footwear, and am an avid consumer of peer-reviewed articles, always learning new knowledge that can be applied to physical therapy or the coaching practice.